My goal is to raise $9,490 for breast cancer research - a dollar for every day my mother, Lorraine Raimondo, battled breast cancer. I'm driving across the country raising funds for every mile I drive.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

On May 19th I left San Diego on a cross country journey. I reached my final destination: New York City, 57 days later. My goal: raise $9,490 for breast cancer research. $9,490 represents a dollar for every day my mother, Lorraine Raimondo, battled breast cancer. 100% of all donations were donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Along the way I met many interesting people and saw many beautiful and just plain weird things. I kept a travelblog of all my adventures, which you'll find below. Some of my favorites included the Hole 'n the Rock home, the Dog Bark Park Inn, the drive through the redwood forest "Avenue of the Giants" in northern California, dancing with the Marlboro Man, Glacier National Park... oh I loved it all!
Although my road trip has ended, unfortunately breast cancer has not. So people are still making donations and so can you. Just click on the "donate online" button on the right to make a donation. Remember to select "Road to a Cure" in the drop down bar.

Scroll down and also check out the archive index on the right for photos and stories from my road trip. I hope it inspires you to hit the road yourself!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Best of the Road Part 4

Best Breakfast: Church Street B&B, Sandpoint, ID 

Coolest Town Under the Radar: I'm not telling, that would ruin it.
Sign Most Likely to have been Created While on Drugs: On a home in Portland, OR

Weirdest Gift Shop Experience: Wolf People, somewhere in ID, where a kid got bit by a wolf 

Best Gas Station Sign
Most Unique Place to Stay: Dog Bark Park Inn, Cottonwood, ID 

Best Town Sign: Winchester, ID 

Monday, August 07, 2006

Best of the Road Part 3

Best Place to Swim: Greenlake, WI 

Friendliest Drunk on Public Transportation: Brad from Florida on the Hiawatha train line in Minneapolis, MI. (By the way, that's the only train line in Minneapolis.) 

Cheapest Gas: Missoula, MT(most expensive was $4 in Baker,CA)


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Best of the Road Part 2

Scariest Place to Get a Haircut Award 

Favorite Town Motto Award 

Scariest Road on a Cliff Award 

Best House Award by far goes to the Hole 'N the Rock home.